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Cornerstone Community Church Case Study

CCC Fall Festival 2021

CCC’s Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival took place on Sunday, October 31st, and was an amazing success! Some church members said that it was the largest attendance they could ever remember. It was a “sea” of people, so there was no way to get an exact count, but the best estimate is approximately 1,000 people. This was an excellent way to introduce AC to families in the community that may not have known about the church previously. It was an excellent opportunity to highlight CCC as a family friendly church.

“To allow the members of CCC to share the Word of God to our community we must first come together. That was the purpose of this event, not to hand out candy to kids, but to allow families from the community to know CCC as a friendly, caring group of people who love the Lord. We handed out over 300 Gospel tracts.” - CCC Staff Member

How did we achieve these results?

All advertising for this event was performed on Facebook. The Ads were paired with a Facebook event where users could gain information, share the event, react to the event, and/or RSVP to the event.


Through advanced planning, PMC had their marketing strategy and material in place well in advance of the event date. This preparation gave CCC a jump start on any competing churches in the area. When looking at the Event Responses, more than half of all of the event responses occurred in the first 2 weeks of the Facebook ad.


Over time at church CCC, it was determined that women aged 25-44 with various relevant attributes (Church background, parent, etc…) responded the best to previous ads and events at this church. A $0.68 ad spend per response is excellent on Facebook.

In addition to targeting these individuals, we retargeted previous attendees of prior events; for this targeting there were no other attributes selected other than the fact that they had previously interacted with an CCC event.

With 439 responses coming from this ad, $300 was able to boost the responses of the event by 439. This is 34% of all responses. Due to the initial popularity of the event, this event was highly favored by Facebook’s algorithm which allowed for an outstanding organic event performance.

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